Thursday, September 14, 2006

Health Problems Related to the Geek Lifestyle

An article from Dr. AA.

I have always wanted to post my observations regarding the geek lifestyle. I affectionately call it the “geek lifestyle” because of my previous life of programming and web design. One of the best part of my job is getting to live vicariously through these young energetic people. I frequently wonder what would have happened to me if I would have stayed with my tech-life instead of transitioning to medicine.

Personal points aside, I have noticed several repeating patterns in this geek lifestyle population. Hopefully, these ideas will spark others to study this unique population.

#1 Horrible Sleep Hygiene
Insomnia and altered sleep patterns is one of the most common complaints to my office. Frequently the complaint is of light sleep or of multiple awakening throughout the night. Although this can be a symptom of depression, this is typically caused by poor sleep habits. It typically starts with somebody waking up in the middle of the night and turning on the laptop or TV. This begins to happen more and more frequently until the patient starts to worry about waking up as soon as they go to bed at night. This stress makes the sleep worse and worse until they finally come to see me.

The fix is typically easy if the habit is not too ingrained. The bed should only be used for two things–sex and sleep. If one is awake in bed for more than 10-15 minutes, one should get up and do something non-stimulating. Listening to music or reading are excellent choices. Lying in bed and watching TV or using the laptop are the worst. These stimulate the brain to wake up even more. If this happens repeatedly, the habit will be formed.

A few of my patients have tried “sleep hacking” and it almost always fails. The dangers of hacking sleep have been explored by a physician elsewhere.

#2 Headaches
Recurrent headaches are a very frequent complaint among heavy computer users. Typically these are caused by a multitude of issues regarding computer use. If they occur the same time every day or if they do not appear on non-work days, these are the clues that point me to a computer cause.

Often when I tell my patients that I suspect it is their work environment, they come back and tell me me how they fixed it. Poor screen position, too small font, screen too bright/too dark, poor sitting posture are all commonly reported causes of chronic headache. When in doubt, I just tell them to trade offices for a couple of days. If they feel better in the other office, then it suggests that it is related to their personal work environment.

Poor eyesight is frequently believed to be a cause of chronic headaches although I believe that is very overrated. What I have seen a few times is that people with glasses having too strong of a prescription. Type-A people when getting refracted for glasses will mistakenly report that higher and higher powers make them see better. To check for this when you get your glasses, just ask your doctor if the manual refraction is close to the computer-predicted, automated refraction. If the manual is a lot higher, then over-power should be a consideration.

#3 Back Pain
Back pain is a frequent complaint in my office as well. In the general patient population, chronic back pain is often a sign of depression; however, in the geek this is more frequently due to work conditions or to overuse. Poor posture, incorrectly sized chair, or poorly positioned monitors are common culprits.

The weekend warrior syndrome often causes the overuse back injury here. All week long the back becomes weak from sitting at the computer desk all day. On the weekend, yard work or lifting causes strain on these underdeveloped muscle units.

#4 Poor Attention Span
I am always amazed at the number of people that mention to me that their attention span is poor. Frequently they will wonder if they have ADD. Sometimes they will even complain about the inability to stay awake during long meetings or stay focuses on non-computer tasks.

First, if one has poor sleep for any reason, the attention span and ability to stay awake during the day will be severely impacted. Attention span cannot be fixed unless the sleep pattern is healthy.

I believe that “poor attention span” has unique aspects in the geek population because I believe many people become geeks because computers have always been one of the things that keep them stimulated. In fact, if I question someone about their attention span, they never, even have problems staying focused on their computer work. If someone is in the middle of some exciting programming, the focus is always there. Therefore, it is not just a generic “attention” problem.

I believe this relative perception of poor attention span is actually caused by two factors. The first is genetic. The brains of some people are just programmed to multi-task. These people likely excel in a computer-rich environment for this reason. I believe the second factor is a simple training issue. Let me explain with an analogy.

If I were to go and try to run a few miles this weekend, I would not be able to easily do so. My muscles are just out of shape from my lack of exercise over the last few months. However, if you take one of the these college basketball athletes, any of them would be able to run miles without even breathing heavy. However, if you made them sit down and try to learn Java for 12 hours a day, most of them would be asleep at their desk before lunch.

The typical geek trains their brain to be heavily focused while multitasking day after day. Is it surprising that this same brain does not do well when forced to isolate down to one task? Listening in a meeting is a very isolated, very passive event. Coding, developing, debugging — these are not passive at all. The geek brain is just not trained to sit quietly and listen.

Courtesy of : Carotids.Com "We Feed Your Brain."
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

my office..

this picture taken when Mr. Ramzani b'day. and if you take a closer look.. you will see different. guess what.. ;)

SCAN Nusantara, Jakarta 11/08/2006

Monday, September 04, 2006

Suprise... Suprise...

tonight was my holiday but i need to finish the monthly technical report and do some chart and tables for our 1st 6 month trend analysis report so instead of sleeping at my "kost" i choose to stay at the office and finish all the report.. coz tomorrow is the deadline and i'm not reach 50%.. damn..

but after a while and playing "trancemaster 5002" loud and clear, i got phone call from my office mate (dion) and told me that he and paul boehm (teso) are heading the office... dang. the SOC is a mess and i need some fast cleaning... next 10 minutes it's done. ;) (damn i'm fast).

and suddenly dion and paul is arrive and he see me setting up my friend's box and the OS was FC2, paul said "u better try ubuntu man, it's nice..", and i said "yeah, if it was my box it will be debian running on it or at least RHEL", and paul just smiling. *belegug siyah si kendi tea*

and dion "force" paul to try the 'martabak manis'.. i dunno what paul comment about that coz the trance music is loud and kind of busy to talk with them. so, after 15 minutes i go outside with paul and dion and we talk about lot of things. also about paul thinking of getting some project in indonesia (south east asia).

after taking some picture again and heard things about his daily life on austria (he met indonesian people there who teach pencak silat and smoke jarum super... w00w00w00 !!), bla.. bla.. bla.. after next 30 minutes he decide to go back because his flight around 9 AM. after saying good bye he go downstair with dion.

and here i am... writing this blog...

*paul said when he go back to indonesia again, maybe me and dion will take him to go to bandung and jogja perhaps.

*looks like paul is tired and so do i, but he was so nice and let us take several pictures with him.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Meet The Hackers : Bellua Cyber Security 2006

*tired mode is activated.

i'm lucky to have a chance to help mel (spoonfork) for setting up the CTF on BCS2006 and help him to promote the HITB and the conference itself was totally amazing.. i've met with some of great and brilliant peoples.

the ctf is not hard but tricky and the winner is bosen (although he wasn't the real winner.. coz mel will choose other).

but i cannot speak a lot of this and only image will talk. ;)

enjoy !

fuzk3, an0maly, anthony (bellua), y3dips, Don "north" Bailey, the_day, z3r0byt3, unknown

Cedric Blancher + an0maly

Paul Boehm (teso) + an0maly

Fabrice Marie (, unknown, Cedric Blancher, Ralph Logan (HoneyNet), an0maly

Ralph Logan (HoneyNet) on action !!

Bellua Staff, BCS2006 Speakers, CTF Winner

snkfnk , an0maly, Meder Kydyraliev, spoonfork, hky (corebsd group)

fuzk3, an0maly, unknown, Don "north" Bailey, vcool, unknown, z3r0byt3

spoonfork (mel) + an0maly

BCS2006 CTF Score

snkfnk (radith) + an0maly

y3dips, an0maly, fuzk3, z3r0byt3, unknown, lirva32

an0maly + hky (corebsd group)

Bellua Staff, BCS Speaker, eCHO, Neotek, an0maly

30 - 31 August, 2006 - Bellua Cyber Security 2006 @ Jakarta (JCC).